LDR 01006naa#a2200217#i#450# 001 EN\\bibl\30368 005 20250314160253.5 011 ## _a2070-7940 100 ## _a20190827b2019####ek#y0engy0150####ca 101 0# _aRUS 102 ## _aRU 200 1# _aObjectives and functions of NMRC in the realization of the federal project "Development of the network of the national medical research centers and the implementation of the innovative medical technologies" _eJournal article 210 1# _aMoscow _cFGBU “Information and Methodological Center for Expertise, Accounting and Analysis of Circulation of Medical Products” _d2019 215 ## _a3 с. 608 ## _aJournal article _2local 675 ## _aМедицина. Охрана здоровья. 61 _zRUS 686 ## _aПрочие отрасли медицины и здравоохранения. 76.35 _2grnti 700 #1 _aRoginko _gNina Izrailevna 700 #1 _aShevcova _gOksana Vladimirovna 700 #1 _aPetrunina _gIrina Viktorovna 856 4# _avestnikrzn.editorum.ru _u