GRNTI 76.35 Прочие отрасли медицины и здравоохранения
Legal regulation of medical practice is an integral part of the Russian health care system. The improvement of regulatory legal documents in this area shows the growth in the need not only to be modern and “up to date” with the social and political environment, but to stay in balance between the rights and the obligations in legal relations in the “patient-healthcare professional-state” system. In this article we observed the novelties in legislation made to regulate the order of drugs prescription and the procedure of prescription new prescription lists. We tried to reflect the main and problematic aspects of the electronic form of prescriptions. In our article the main source of these legal changes to be used was the new Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated January 14, 2019 N 4n, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 26, 2019 N 54173.
medications, narcotic and psychotropic drugs, electronic form of prescriptions, enhanced qualified electronic signature
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