Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.35 Прочие отрасли медицины и здравоохранения
The article presents information about the beginning of the realization of the federal project «Development of the network of the national medical research centers and the implementation of the innovative medical technologies» with the involvement of Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare. The article reveals main objectives and goals of the project, as well as the activities essential for their achievement.
federal project, national medical research centers
1. Pasport Federal'nogo proekta «Razvitie seti nacional'nyh medicinskih issledovatel'skih centrov i vnedrenie innovacionnyh medicinskih tehnologiy» (utverzhden prilozheniem k protokolu zasedaniya proektnogo komiteta po Nacional'nomu proektu «Zdravoohranenie» ot 14.12. 2018 № 3).